2010年6月17日 星期四

Progressive report III

1.Answers of our questions for vampires:

-Why do you want to be a vampire?
-A game.
-For fun. To kill time.
-Fans of vampires.

- What pleasure do you attain from being a vampire?
-Bite people.
-Make friends.
-Sense of connection because of vampire family.

- Do you believe in the existence of vampires in reality?
-Not at all.
-Believe that vampires only exist in movies and games.

- Is being a vampire the same as your imagination?
-At times, to some extent. (Bite people and have to search for blood.)
-Even harder. (They have to keep searching people who are willing to be bitten by vampires.)

- What are the pros and cons of being a vampire?
-A sense of achievement
-A sense of connection
-Make lots of friends

-Boring if lost interests.
-A dutiful vampire would become a mediator and mentor of their liege, and sometimes they can't solve the problems of their lieges.

-Have you confronted any stereotype on vampires in SL?
-Immoral, cruel, melancholy image.
-All vampires just want souls to gain rank.

2. interview data
.:[ The Thirst: Bloodlines Edition ]:.

This is a fully-featured Vampire system that provides a rich array of basic Vampire functions and integration with The Thirst: Bloodlines web-based multiplayer game. This sytem includes fang effects, particle effects, emotes, animations, and a scanner that will sense other avatars and tell you whether they are other Vampires or potential victims.

To get the most out of your system, please read all of the instructions below, or you can check out the product information guide on http://www.slbloodlines.com. If you have trouble with our system, please first check out the FAQ at http://www.slbloodlines.com/faq

The Thirst: Bloodlines was designed and constructed for Liquid Designs by Lyle Maeterlinck and Mars Bracken, but please direct questions and tech support requests to the Bloodlines manager, Curse Aszkenaze.

For Liquid Designs,

Lyle Maeterlinck and Mars Bracken
Liquid Designs Copyright 2008

[4] **** LEECH WARNNG - If you don't read anything else, please read this! ****

.:[ 1: CONTENTS ]:.

1 Set of Fangs
1 Stat Viewer
1 Bite Marks

1 Pose Stand - For editing your attached Fangs
1 Quick Start Guide
1 Set Instructions
1 Bloodlines TOS Notecard
1 Liquid designs Copyright & EULA Notecard
1 LM to Bloodlines Main Store


The Thirst: Bloodlines contains 4 main components: The HUD, the Fangs, the Stat Viewer, and The Bite Marks. The two essential pieces to play the game and use the functions are the HUD and the Fangs. The Stat Viewer and the Bite Marks are just for fun. Each item is explained in detail below:

2a. The Bite Marks
The Bite Marks is an attachment to make you look like you just got bit by a ferocious Vampire. They will attach to your left ear by default. They are copy and transfer, which means you can copy them and give them away to all of your friends! The Bite Marks have 4 states: Fresh, Trickling, Scabbing, and Scarred. You can cycle through these states just by touching the bite marks. If you're bit by a Bloodlines Vampire while wearing them, they will squirt Blood!

2b. The Stat Viewer
The Stat Viewer is an attachment that shows others your Bloodlines stats with text floating over your head. It displays the following information: Generation, Clan Name, Status, Amount of Humanity remaining (if greater than 0), Amount of Vital Blood Remaining, and number of collected souls.

2c. The Fangs
The majority of the Thirst: Bloodlines functions are contained in the Fangs. You must be wearing your Fangs on your Mouth attachment point in order for them to work. If they are rezzed on the ground or are attached somewhere else, they won't work.

2d. The HUD
The HUD contains 10 buttons:

1. Fang Extension (top left, round fang button)
2. Fang Blood (bottom left, round bloody fang button)
3. Blood Drip (top center, round blood drop)
4. Bloody Mouth (bottom center, blood pool)
5. Emotes (face)
6. Smoke Screen (smoke)
7. Settings (gear)
8. Bite! (open mouth)
9. Scanner: Self (round skull button, below HUD)
10: Scanner: Nearby avatars (round radar button, below HUD)

1: Fang Extension: show or hide your fangs.

2: Fang Blood: show blood on your fangs, or clean them

3: Blood Drip: toggle blood drip on and off.

4: Bloody Mouth: this button turns the blood in your mouth on and off.

5: Emotes: This button will give you a list of Emotes you can use with your Fangs. Just select an emote from the list, or select 'stop all' to stop emotes.

6: Smoke Screen: This button will emit a smoke screen around your avatar that will conceal your appearance. TIP: use this right before you teleport away.

7: Settings: The settings menu contains the following items:
--a. Bite Mode: You can set your fangs to either 'Bloodlines' mode or 'Free' mode. When in Bloodlines mode, your actions will be recorded as part of the game, and in Free mode, you can use the functions of your fangs outside of the Bloodlines game.

--b. Scan Mode: You can set the scan mode to either 'Text' mode or 'Web' mode. In web mode, both the self-scan and avatar radar buttons will open the selected bloodlines web profile. In text mode, both the self-scan and avatar radar buttons will chat the selected avatar's information to you in local chat.

--c. Set Liege: If you select this item, you'll be prompted to chat the name of an avatar on channel 666. This name must be an avatar that has purchased the Bloodlines System. It cannot be yourself, and it cannot be one of your own minions (someone who has already pledged allegiance to you).

--d. Set Clan: If you select this item, you'll be prompted to chat the name of your clan on channel 999. This is the clan that will be set for those that pledge allegiance to you. The default clan is "Curse Clan". Be advised, if you pledge allegiance to someone, your clan and the clans of all of your minions will be changed to your liege's clan. You cannot choose a clan name that someone else has already chosen, but anyone can rejoin the Curse Clan at any time. You clan name can only be letters, numbers, and spaces, must be less than 25 characters, and cannot be blank.

--e. Stat Reload: forces your stat viewer to check in with the website. Any time you feel your stats may not be showing up right, try pressing this button.

--f. Height: The height selection is used to adjust animations. If your avatar is taller than the average avatar, select 'Taller', if your avatar is shorter than the average avatar, select 'Shorter', and if you believe your avatar is of average height, select 'Same'. The right setting here will make your animations look better.

--g. Gender: Set your gender to 'male' or 'female'. This is only used for status names, such as setting either 'King', or 'Queen'.

--h. Animation: Your fangs come included with one animation: a simple vampire bite. You have the option of using additional animations by adding them to the contents of your fangs. You'll need two animations: one for the victim, one for the attacker. Your animations must be named with the following convention: name_attacker, and name_victim, and replace 'name' with what you want your animation to be called. For example "fierce_attacker', 'fierce_victim'. Then, when you select the 'animation' button under settings, you'll be able to select between the animations you've added and the default animation.

12: Bite: Use this button to bite a victim. Your victim must be within 20 meters of you. Once you select their name, they will be asked for permission. If they accept, the animation will play, and you'll bite them. If they're wearing their bite marks, the bite marks will squirt blood. If this is the first time they've been bitten, your fangs will vend them a copy of the bite marks to wear. The first time they wear their bite marks, they'll be given a landmark to the Bloodlines store. If they pick up a copy of the Thirst: Bloodlines, you will get their soul.


There are many objectives to pursue in The Thirst: Bloodlines, and you can focus on whichever one is your favorite. However, the one objective that can't be avoided is the Thirst for Blood. All players must keep their Vital Blood high to keep from being destroyed and losing their vampire status. All objectives and the associated rules are explained below.

1. Objective #1: Become a Vampire.
There are two parts to becoming a vampire. First, you must have your humanity drained by others who have the Thirst. Blood is valuable, and the Thirst gives you the power to convert the humanity of your victims into precious vital Blood. Your humanity starts at 100%, and this can be converted into a total of 5 liters of vital blood for others. When your humanity reaches 0, you will be Cursed. Each avatar only has 5 liters of Vital blood to donate to the community, and once it's gone, it's gone forever. This is why new victims must constantly be sought out. The second part of becoming a vampire is to refill yourself to 5 Liters of Vital Blood. You can do this by biting others, draining them with the spike, or by drinking from blood containers. The first time you reach 5 Liters of vital blood after you are cursed, you will become embraced and will gain the status of Vampire.

2. Objective #2: Increase your Status.
Status is based on the number of total souls collected. You will get the soul of every vampire who you are the first to bite. If you are the first person to bite someone who hasn't purchased The Thirst, you will get their soul only when they purchase the system. Your total souls is the sum of the souls you have collected, and the souls collected by your minions. The more minions you have, and the more powerful they are, the higher your status will become. Be a good liege to your minions, because if they decide to pledge allegiance to someone else, you will lose thier souls from your soul total. You might think of a soul as one vote in determining who the highest ranked vampire is. The more souls you collect, the more power you have in determining who is on top.

3. Objective #3: Accumulate Blood Wealth
There is only so much blood to go around, so blood has value in the Thirst: Bloodlines RP world. You can accumulate blood wealth by storing Blood in Blood Casks and Tanks. You can purchase them full, or you can purchase them empty and fill them yourself with blood you collect. If you plan on accumlating Blood Wealth, it may be in your interest to pick up a Spike, which will allow you to convert the humanity of others into valuable vital blood in larger quantities. Everyone will know who the wealthiest Vampire is, and they may turn to you when they are desperate for blood. You can manage lists of the vampires that are allowed to drink from your casks and tanks. Blood is power!

4. Objective #5: Stay "Alive"
Every 24 hours, The Curse takes a toll of 0.25 Liters of vital blood from everyone. If you lose all of your vital blood, you lose all of your collected souls, unless you have protection from an Amulet. To do this, you must constantly seek out new victims as sources of vital blood.

We hope that you enjoy playing The Thirst: Bloodlines and that it enriches your vampire roleplaying experience.


[4] LEECH WARNING - Although it may seem tempting to just go around biting every random person you see in hopes of getting a little blood or tricking someone into giving you their soul, this behavior is largely unproductive, and will more than likely just do 2 things:

1) Get you banned from the club/sim and abuse reported to the Lindens

2) Anger the person you randomly bit/tricked. He or she will very likely not let you turn them and collect their blood, and even if they do join Bloodlines eventually, they have the option to drink the Wormwood potion and retrieve their soul, so that the next vampire who bites them may take it - leaving you with no points and a bad reputation.

We definitely encourage putting forth a little effort and RPing/chatting with your victims; not only do you have a better chance at actually getting souls/blood, but you also will be much more likely to win them over as a Minion, which will also help you in the game. And if for no other reason - it's just a lot cooler to be someone that RPs, rather than an annoying leech. Please take this into consideration as you being your life as a member of the vampire culture in SL.


.:[ All Contents Copyright 2008 Liquid Designs ]:.

Progressive Report II

We want to make our content of interview go deeper so we decided to ask questions that can be answered in various ways. Firstly, we divide our questions into two parts. One is related to personal experiences, and the other is the basic knowledge of being a vampire.

Personal experiences:

1.Why do you want to be a vampire?
2.What pleasure do you attain from being a vampire?
3.Do you believe in the existence of vampires in reality?
4.Is being a vampire the same as your imagination?
5.What are the pros and cons of being a vampire?
6.Have you confronted any stereotype on vampires in SL?

Basic Knowledge of vampires:

1.Do they have regular activities in some sites?
2.How to be a vampire?
3.What are the rules of being a vampire?
4.After becoming a vampire, will they have a tutor or guide to teach them something? And what’s “something” all about?
5.How to get enough blood for the whole vampire family? Is blood the necessary for maintaining the life or you have the substitute?
6. How to rank a vampire in a family? Can we know the rank by an open website?

The following is the transcript when we were discussing what questions should we ask to the vampires:

[18:47] Phoebe Isenia: let's have some questions
[18:47] Charlotte Mohegan: Do they have regular activities in some sites
[18:47] Phoebe Isenia: hey i just interview with a nice man last time
[18:47] Phoebe Isenia: and when i at the beach i received an invitation that someone wants to animate my avatar
[18:48] Phoebe Isenia: hey do u hear me
[18:48] Charlotte Mohegan: yes
[18:48] Charlotte Mohegan: go on
[18:48] Charlotte Mohegan: and what do u get
[18:48] Phoebe Isenia: and the nice man told me that it was an invitation from the vampire. he wants to bite me
[18:49] Phoebe Isenia: and the nice man explain to me that why those vampires need to bite people
[18:49] Charlotte Mohegan: waht
[18:49] Phoebe Isenia: he said he isn't clear of the activities of the vampires
[18:49] Charlotte Mohegan: so the nice man is a vampire?
[18:49] Phoebe Isenia: but he knew they have some kind of contest
[18:49] Phoebe Isenia: nope
[18:49] Phoebe Isenia: he's a passerby
[18:50] Charlotte Mohegan: what is "animate my avatar"
[18:50] Phoebe Isenia: and so they have to bite as more people as they could
[18:50] Phoebe Isenia: means be bitten
[18:50] Phoebe Isenia: you'll have a window on your right corner
[18:50] Charlotte Mohegan: oh
[18:50] Charlotte Mohegan: ic
[18:50] Phoebe Isenia: and says XXX would like to animate your avatar
[18:50] Phoebe Isenia: then you have to choose yes or no
[18:51] Charlotte Mohegan: so the vampire has a contest ?
[18:51] Charlotte Mohegan: that is weird
[18:51] Phoebe Isenia: if you choose yes, when you don't know what does that mean
[18:51] Phoebe Isenia: then you'll be bitten
[18:51] Phoebe Isenia: and the nice man also tell me what are the features of the vampires
[18:51] Phoebe Isenia: cool
[18:51] Charlotte Mohegan: I know , our topic can be the representation of the vampire in SL
[18:51] Phoebe Isenia: or
[18:52] Charlotte Mohegan: they create their own tradition of vampire
[18:52] Phoebe Isenia: yes
[18:52] Phoebe Isenia: just as u said before
[18:52] Charlotte Mohegan: but who know whether that are the real tradition or not
[18:52] Phoebe Isenia: the mystery of vampires
[18:52] Charlotte Mohegan: yes
[18:52] Charlotte Mohegan: or the truth of the vampire
[18:52] Phoebe Isenia: so we discover the mystery of vampires in SL
[18:52] Charlotte Mohegan: you said that the nice man told u where are those vampires gather?
[18:53] Phoebe Isenia: umm
[18:53] Phoebe Isenia: he wants to tell me more
[18:53] Phoebe Isenia: but i was going to have lunch
[18:53] Phoebe Isenia: so i said good bye with him
[18:53] Phoebe Isenia: but he added me as his friend!!~
[18:54] Charlotte Mohegan: I think they create their tradition on purpose , so they can have things to do in SL
[18:55] Phoebe Isenia: yes
[18:55] Charlotte Mohegan: yes why did he knows so much?
[18:55] Phoebe Isenia: and i figure out a question
[18:55] Phoebe Isenia: maybe it's common sense in sl
[18:55] Phoebe Isenia: why being a vampire in sl? hahahahaha
[18:55] Phoebe Isenia: and my second question
[18:56] Phoebe Isenia: what kind of pleasure do you attain when being a vampire?
[18:56] Charlotte Mohegan: yes
[18:56] Charlotte Mohegan: the second one can be the pros and cons of being a vampire
[18:56] Charlotte Mohegan: that would help us to get more information
[18:57] Charlotte Mohegan: I want to ask what's the difference between them and the vampires in the movies
[18:57] Charlotte Mohegan: or in the reality
[18:57] Charlotte Mohegan: second one: Do they have regular activities in some sites
[18:57] Phoebe Isenia: and do they believe in the existence of vampires in reality?
[18:57] Phoebe Isenia: i got three questions~~~
[18:58] Charlotte Mohegan: and this can extend to the tradition of the vampire culture
[18:58] Phoebe Isenia: your second question is like a 有標準答案的問題
[18:58] Phoebe Isenia: maybe that question we can find out ansers together
[18:58] Phoebe Isenia: i mean we don't have to ask this question seperately
[18:58] Charlotte Mohegan: yes but we still need some information
[18:59] Phoebe Isenia: only a person takes charge of this question
[18:59] Phoebe Isenia: yes
[18:59] Charlotte Mohegan: but I think when we are chatting that is helpful and it does not matter
[18:59] Phoebe Isenia: we can figure out some basic knowledge questions
[18:59] Phoebe Isenia: and your second question would be the first one
[18:59] Phoebe Isenia: and the second: how to be a vampire in sl
[19:00] Charlotte Mohegan: maybe different gruops of vampires has different activity
[19:00] Charlotte Mohegan: the first one?
[19:00] Phoebe Isenia: the one you said
[19:00] Phoebe Isenia: so i think you should think about another question as the questionaire
[19:01] Roxanne Kristan is Online
[19:01] Charlotte Mohegan: I forgat about first one!!XD
[19:01] Phoebe Isenia: you can see our history conversation
[19:01] Phoebe Isenia: so i think you should divide our questions into two parts
[19:02] Phoebe Isenia: one is 個人問題 the other is 基本之是問題
[19:02] Charlotte Mohegan: what's the difference between them and the vampires in the movies
[19:02] Phoebe Isenia: yes
[19:02] Phoebe Isenia: ok
[19:02] Charlotte Mohegan: I think this one
[19:02] Charlotte Mohegan: also have standard answers
[19:02] Phoebe Isenia: and you have to figure out one more personal question
[19:02] Phoebe Isenia: yes... i think so
[19:02] Phoebe Isenia: but you know
[19:03] Phoebe Isenia: everyone would have different feeling of that questions
[19:03] Phoebe Isenia: different answer too
[19:03] Phoebe Isenia: i think it's a good question
[19:03] Charlotte Mohegan: hi R
[19:03] Charlotte Mohegan: ok
[19:03] Roxanne Kristan: hi
[19:03] Phoebe Isenia: hello
[19:03] Roxanne Kristan: sorry u am very late
[19:04] Roxanne Kristan: i *
[19:04] Roxanne Kristan: what are we going to do
[19:04] Charlotte Mohegan: it's ok
[19:04] Phoebe Isenia: hey char
[19:05] Phoebe Isenia: but don't you think that the first question u ask...
[19:05] Charlotte Mohegan: we are discuss our questions
[19:05] Phoebe Isenia: we'll find the answers on our own when we know their regular activities?
[19:05] Roxanne Kristan: vampure?
[19:05] Charlotte Mohegan: until 10:30 Emma would ask us about the subtopic and the question
[19:05] Charlotte Mohegan: yes
[19:06] Charlotte Mohegan: but I think what we discovered maybe not the same as what they thought
[19:06] Charlotte Mohegan: maybe they think they are doing this , but in fact they don't
[19:06] Phoebe Isenia: ok
[19:06] Phoebe Isenia: or we change the style of the question...
[19:06] Phoebe Isenia: hmmm
[19:06] Charlotte Mohegan: so we need to come up some basic questions and extended questions
[19:06] Charlotte Mohegan: yes?
[19:07] Roxanne Kristan: can you send me the transcript
[19:07] Phoebe Isenia: maybe like... is being a vampire the same as your imagination?
[19:07] Roxanne Kristan: i can't catch up you two= =
[19:07] Charlotte Mohegan: ok can you online in MSN
[19:07] Phoebe Isenia: do u think this one is better?
[19:07] Phoebe Isenia: ok i explain
[19:07] Roxanne Kristan: thanks
[19:07] Phoebe Isenia: we divide our questions into two parts
[19:07] Roxanne Kristan: yes
[19:08] Phoebe Isenia: one is personal questions which is without a correct anser
[19:08] Phoebe Isenia: e.g. i figure ou the question: What pleasure do you attain from being a vampire?
[19:08] Phoebe Isenia: and the second part is basi knowledge question
[19:08] Phoebe Isenia: e.g. what are the regular activities of vampires in sl
[19:09] Roxanne Kristan: like normal avatar
[19:09] Phoebe Isenia: anand when we interview with vampire in sl
[19:09] Phoebe Isenia: we should ask them some personal questions
[19:09] Phoebe Isenia: as for the basic knowledge questions
[19:09] Phoebe Isenia: we don't need to interview with our vampires and seperately ask them
[19:10] Phoebe Isenia: it's a waste of time
[19:10] Roxanne Kristan: so
[19:10] Roxanne Kristan: we focus on personal questions?
[19:11] Phoebe Isenia: yes
[19:11] Charlotte Mohegan: thanks for your explanation
[19:11] Phoebe Isenia: and you should figure our two personal questions
[19:12] Roxanne Kristan: ok
[19:12] Phoebe Isenia: charlotte so what are your personal questions?
[19:13] Charlotte Mohegan: the pros and cons of being a vampire
[19:14] Charlotte Mohegan: wait I'm going to bathroom
[19:14] Roxanne Kristan: ok
[19:14] Phoebe Isenia: can someone collect the basic knowledge questionaire?
[19:14] Phoebe Isenia: i'm collecting the personal one
[19:15] Roxanne Kristan: i can
[19:16] Phoebe Isenia: ok
[19:16] Phoebe Isenia: we've only had two in this part now
[19:17] Roxanne Kristan: p ques. how you know the vampire group?
[19:18] Roxanne Kristan: is that ok?
[19:18] Phoebe Isenia: ummm
[19:19] Phoebe Isenia: but i think most of they know the vampire groups because they'd like to be vampires
[19:19] Phoebe Isenia: and so they will find the group themselves
[19:19] Charlotte Mohegan: I think it's basic questions
[19:19] Charlotte Mohegan: and I'm also curios about it
[19:19] Charlotte Mohegan: curious*
[19:20] Charlotte Mohegan: I come up with a thought , becasue sometimes we need to have basic knowledge then Iwe could ask further or deeper questions
[19:22] Charlotte Mohegan: so we should 整理 our basic knowledge first
[19:23] Roxanne Kristan: what's the dominant factor that makes you from a blood doll to a vampire
[19:23] Phoebe Isenia: yes
[19:23] Phoebe Isenia: i agree
[19:23] Charlotte Mohegan: but we still need to come up questions for Emman
[19:23] Charlotte Mohegan: PQ :why being a vampire in sl?
[19:24] Phoebe Isenia: i ask this before...
[19:24] Phoebe Isenia: it's a personal question
[19:24] Charlotte Mohegan: haha
[19:24] Phoebe Isenia: what~?
[19:25] Phoebe Isenia: we have five persoanl questions now
[19:25] Charlotte Mohegan: Have you confront sterotype from the society
[19:25] Roxanne Kristan: what's the most attractive part to be a vampire for you?
[19:25] Phoebe Isenia: society in sl?
[19:26] Charlotte Mohegan: yes
[19:26] Charlotte Mohegan: of course
[19:26] Phoebe Isenia: roxy i think your one overlapped with me
[19:26] Charlotte Mohegan: yes
[19:26] Phoebe Isenia: here i share the questions i have had with u
[19:26] Phoebe Isenia: Why do you want to be a vampire?
What pleasure do you attain from being a vampire?
Do you believe in the existence of vampires in reality?
Is being a vampire the same as your imagination?
What are the pros and cons of being a vampire?
[19:26] Charlotte Mohegan: it's the same as pleasure
[19:27] Charlotte Mohegan: you miss one
[19:27] Phoebe Isenia: which one
[19:27] Charlotte Mohegan: why being a vampire in sl? = =
[19:27] Charlotte Mohegan: ohoh
[19:27] Charlotte Mohegan: ic
[19:27] Phoebe Isenia: and
[19:27] Phoebe Isenia: Have you confronted any stereotype on vampires in SL?
[19:27] Phoebe Isenia: six now
[19:27] Charlotte Mohegan: ok
[19:27] Phoebe Isenia: and roxy for two
[19:28] Phoebe Isenia: or we figure our basic questions now?
[19:28] Roxanne Kristan: what's the dominant factor that makes you from a blood doll to a vampire
[19:28] Charlotte Mohegan: that is the first one
[19:29] Charlotte Mohegan: I show u other groups subtopics:
[19:29] Charlotte Mohegan: Subtopic I: the reasons they choose to be transgender in SL
Subtopic II: comparison of transgender culture in SL & RL
[19:29] Phoebe Isenia: transgender??
[19:29] Charlotte Mohegan: yes ruby's group
[19:30] Phoebe Isenia: i can't understand roxy's q
[19:30] Phoebe Isenia: oh
[19:30] Phoebe Isenia: ic
[19:30] Charlotte Mohegan: basic question is easy
[19:30] Charlotte Mohegan: becuase we know nothing!
[19:31] Charlotte Mohegan: oj!!
[19:31] Charlotte Mohegan: oh
[19:31] Charlotte Mohegan: I had information card of vampires
[19:31] Charlotte Mohegan: that one of the vampire give it to me
[19:31] Roxanne Kristan: but i think it's different cause some people don't want to be a blood doll but some want. i want to know why they change their mind to be a vampire
[19:32] Charlotte Mohegan: what is blood doll
[19:33] Phoebe Isenia: hey
[19:33] Phoebe Isenia: it's 10;30!!
[19:33] Charlotte Mohegan gave you ALL YOU WANNA KNOW ABOUT VAMPIRES.
[19:33] Roxanne Kristan: it means you allow vam to bite u
[19:33] Charlotte Mohegan: phoebe do u get two?
[19:33] Charlotte Mohegan: oh ic
[19:33] Charlotte Mohegan: phoebe?
[19:33] Phoebe Isenia: yes i guess
[19:34] Phoebe Isenia: what's the purpose of it?[19:34] Phoebe Isenia: i think we should go

Progressive Report I

The Motivation of Our Final Project

Why we choose to focus on vampire group in Second Life is because we are curious and scared about them. So, we decided to look into it and
make friend and talk deeper with them. To be frank, we are somehow influenced by the Twilight that vampires are so charming and romantic!

At first week, because we have no ideas about vampires, we decided to male a free conversation with any vampire on Second Life. After interviewing, we shared about our experience of chatting with vampire. I have met a strange vampire who is dying and asked for my blood for surviving but I worried about my avatar's health so I didn't let him animate my avatar though he said it won't do any disadvantage to my avatar.(I don't believe him) Next week, we categorize some basic knowledge of vampire, and we started to think some questions to help with our second interview with vampire. This time, I met a charming woman vampire called Blissful. She was very nice and kind. She helped with my every questions patiently that make me felt at ease. So, I said that I want to be one member of their family. Then, she invited me to visit their clan's home and took me to their play ground for fun. However, I found that some private questions are not available to ask, such as fight between vampire family. So, I deceided to join them and my avatar became a vampire later.

After the two interview, all of our group members are interested in vampires and make friendship with them. We found that vampires are like a role play game so that every vampire is the same as us. However, there are still some bad vampires but it's just like normal avatar that might have bad guys. As a result, we feel vampire no more a mythical group, but a nice or even more thoughtful group of people!
And the following is my transcript with Blissful:
-- Instant message logging enabled --
[3:55] Roxanne Kristan: will i be rude to ask you how u become a vampire
[3:56] Blissful Spires: I can turn you hun grins
[3:56] Roxanne Kristan: ok but will i be biten
[3:56] Blissful Spires: yes
[3:56] Blissful Spires: i would bite you and drain you
[3:56] Roxanne Kristan: !!!!!
[3:57] Blissful Spires: its best to start off as a doll till you learn more of the game
[3:57] Blissful Spires: I have a very interesting bite too smiles
[3:57] Roxanne Kristan: wait
[3:57] Blissful Spires: me and my girls love helping new people and taking them in :P
[3:58] Roxanne Kristan: but can you tell me more about your life?
[3:58] Blissful Spires: w welcoem you with open arms
[3:58] Roxanne Kristan: thank you so much :)
[3:58] Blissful Spires: a vampires life?
[3:58] Roxanne Kristan: yes
[3:58] Roxanne Kristan: i want to know
[3:58] Blissful Spires: well we have a very lovely family and we hang alot on our clans sim on in my MAsters turning room
[3:59] Blissful Spires: adn we hang out here otr at vamp clubs
[3:59] Blissful Spires: all very friendly and easy to get along with
[3:59] Blissful Spires: we have balls and parties
[3:59] Roxanne Kristan: so cool
[3:59] Blissful Spires: we have a very lovely sim
[4:00] Roxanne Kristan: but if you are tired of being a vampire can you return to be a human?
[4:00] Blissful Spires: yes there are potions
[4:00] Roxanne Kristan: what kind of potion
[4:00] Blissful Spires: um ther are a few
[4:00] Blissful Spires: one rescues your soul from limbo
[4:01] Blissful Spires: one turns yu back to human
[4:01] Blissful Spires: one will swtich your soul to another if you are having issues with your liege
[4:01] Blissful Spires: the most important thing
[4:01] Blissful Spires: is finding the right family to help you
[4:01] Roxanne Kristan: why a family is important
[4:02] Blissful Spires: because soem clans have rules so many souls per day or the turn you and leave you and you dont know what to do
[4:02] Blissful Spires: they arent as friendly
[4:02] Blissful Spires: I hate the ones like that
[4:03] Roxanne Kristan: i see
[4:04] Blissful Spires: we teach and train and let our members flourish as they decide
[4:04] Roxanne Kristan: if i am a vampire, will i look different?
[4:04] Blissful Spires: no but i can help you look netter and fix yourself up sweety :P
[4:05] Roxanne Kristan: netter?
[4:05] Roxanne Kristan: better? haha
[4:05] Blissful Spires: better i meant sorry hehe
[4:05] Roxanne Kristan: haha
[4:06] Roxanne Kristan: so vampire looks like normal avatar?
[4:06] Blissful Spires: me and my girls love to do makeovers
[4:06] Roxanne Kristan: people won't distinguish
[4:06] Blissful Spires: yes unless you wish to buy vamp skins and such
[4:06] Roxanne Kristan: oh cool
[4:06] Blissful Spires: no not unless they are a vamp themselves
[4:06] Blissful Spires: they can scan you and see with the hud
[4:07] Roxanne Kristan: what do u mean
[4:07] Blissful Spires: with the vamp hud you can scan people to see if they are fresh
[4:07] Blissful Spires: vamps or in limbo
[4:07] Roxanne Kristan: what is a hud
[4:08] Blissful Spires: it allows you to do things it sits on your screen
[4:08] Roxanne Kristan: so am i fresh?
[4:08] Blissful Spires: ther are lots of diffrent ones
[4:08] Roxanne Kristan: haha
[4:09] Blissful Spires: yes and smelling delightful
[4:09] Roxanne Kristan: hahaha
[4:09] Roxanne Kristan: will people smell bad to u ? haha
[4:09] Blissful Spires: if they wear garlic yes grins
[4:09] Roxanne Kristan: haha
[4:10] Roxanne Kristan: i have met a poor half vamp
[4:10] Roxanne Kristan: he is dying and ask for my blood
[4:10] Blissful Spires: then his family is not taking ccare of him
[4:10] Roxanne Kristan: why
[4:10] Blissful Spires: wouldnt be the best place to go now would it?
[4:11] Blissful Spires: they are not feedjing him
[4:11] Roxanne Kristan: and are vamp in SL like vamp in movie we see
[4:12] Blissful Spires: wouldnt you rather be taken care of my dear?
[4:12] Blissful Spires: sure you can make it what you want it to be hun
[4:12] Blissful Spires: my clan is the Twilight knights grins
[4:13] Blissful Spires: I am a viscountess adn my liege is a prince
[4:13] Roxanne Kristan: it's so cool to be a vamp
[4:13] Roxanne Kristan: umm
[4:14] Blissful Spires: I rather enjoy it very much
[4:14] Roxanne Kristan: why you enjoy :) can u share with me
[4:14] Blissful Spires: the family doing things vampo wise meetign new people having a nice group of firneds it only gets better
[4:15] Blissful Spires: adn you can role play it how you want it as well
[4:15] Roxanne Kristan: i see
[4:15] Blissful Spires: it says you are 455 days old did you stop playing or soemthing?
[4:16] Roxanne Kristan: what do you mean?
[4:16] Blissful Spires: 455 days oldd :P
[4:16] Blissful Spires: the age of your avatar
[4:17] Roxanne Kristan: i stop playing cause i am busy with my work
[4:17] Blissful Spires: would you like to come see my clans sim?
[4:17] Blissful Spires: we have aloit of neat stuff
[4:17] Blissful Spires: and i promise you protection none iof us bite unless asked to
[4:18] Roxanne Kristan: umm
[4:18] Roxanne Kristan: really?
[4:18] Blissful Spires: yes really
[4:18] Roxanne Kristan: how do i trust u lol
[4:18] Blissful Spires: we are a good clan
[4:18] Blissful Spires: i give you my word
[4:18] Roxanne Kristan: sorry i am worry about my avatar
[4:19] Roxanne Kristan: ok
[4:19] Blissful Spires: oh i assure you my family is a godo family you have more to worry about here
[4:19] Blissful Spires: adn you have to accept the bite
[4:19] Roxanne Kristan: hahaha
[4:19] Roxanne Kristan: you are so confident
[4:20] Blissful Spires: smiles why yes
[4:20] Roxanne Kristan: but actually i come here to get some information and after that i will discuss whether to become vamp together or not
[4:20] Roxanne Kristan: with my friends
[4:20] Blissful Spires: isnt that a godo thing?
[4:20] Roxanne Kristan: 3
[4:21] Roxanne Kristan: i don't know so i ask you lol
[4:21] Blissful Spires: yes and i am happy to answer
[4:21] Blissful Spires: and show you where my good family resides
[4:21] Blissful Spires: we are a blast :P
[4:21] Blissful Spires: I promise lots of fun
[4:21] Roxanne Kristan: blast?
[4:22] Blissful Spires: just fun and crazy hehe
[4:22] Blissful Spires: you never be bored
[4:22] Roxanne Kristan: haha
[4:22] Blissful Spires: dont i seem friendly enough offering to answer and help you right away?
[4:22] Roxanne Kristan: i want to take a picture with you to show my friends
[4:23] Blissful Spires: go ahead my dear smiles
[4:23] Roxanne Kristan: yes you're very friend and beautiful
[4:23] Roxanne Kristan: friendly*
[4:23] Blissful Spires: do you want a notecard of our family guidlines to look at?
[4:23] Roxanne Kristan: great
[4:24] Blissful Spires: that is about our family and ranking and things
[4:24] Blissful Spires: you can see the rules state no biting unles the person wishes
[4:25] Blissful Spires: would you like me to show you our sim my dear?
[4:25] Roxanne Kristan: sure
[4:25] Roxanne Kristan: but can u give me a minute to look at the card please
[4:25] Roxanne Kristan: lol
[4:25] Blissful Spires: ok il tp you over no worries you are safe with me :P
[4:26] Blissful Spires: yes let me know when you are ready
[4:26] Roxanne Kristan: thank u u are so nice
[4:26] Blissful Spires: no other way in the world to be :P
[4:28] Blissful Spires: we can take a picture there as well have some neat areas
[4:29] Roxanne Kristan: ready
[4:30] Blissful Spires: ok let me tell my Master and i will tp you
[4:30] Roxanne Kristan: ok
[4:35] Blissful Spires: ok ill be sending for yu in a second my dear
[4:35] Roxanne Kristan: ok
[5:25] Blissful Spires: click the ball and climb ladder
[5:28] Blissful Spires: did yu get it?
And this is the Transcript when Blissful took me to their clan's home:
[4:36] Blissful Spires: Hello Brianna
[4:37] Roxanne Kristan: hello
[4:37] Blissful Spires: she must be afk
[4:37] Blissful Spires: this is our clan sim Roxanne
[4:37] Brianna Crumb: hello sorry iwas
[4:38] antonis Elan is Offline
[4:38] Roxanne Kristan: nice to meet u
[4:38] Blissful Spires: all good :P
[4:38] Brianna Crumb: u2
[4:38] Roxanne Kristan: is this your home?
[4:38] Blissful Spires: showing Roxanne around
[4:38] Brianna Crumb: tc cab isherelol
[4:38] Blissful Spires: oh okies tc buh
[4:39] Blissful Spires: sometimes a good amount of peopel hang here from the clan
[4:39] Blissful Spires: this is home for the clan
[4:39] Blissful Spires: we are welcome to invite friends and use it to party etc
[4:40] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[4:40] Connected
[4:40] Blissful Spires: can you hear voice?
[4:40] Roxanne Kristan: do you want to show me around
[4:40] Blissful Spires: yes
[4:40] Roxanne Kristan: yes
[4:40] Roxanne Kristan: i here
[4:40] Roxanne Kristan: hear
[4:40] Roxanne Kristan: can you be slowe
[4:41] Roxanne Kristan: cause there is lots of noise
[4:41] Roxanne Kristan: voice is not that clear
[4:41] Roxanne Kristan: thanks: )
[4:42] Blissful Spires: thi is just a lounge
[4:42] Blissful Spires: this is a library
[4:44] Roxanne Kristan: will i have fang
[4:44] Roxanne Kristan: haha
[4:45] Blissful Spires: yes you want to see mine?
[4:45] Roxanne Kristan: yes
[4:45] Blissful Spires: thre have a look grins
[4:48] Roxanne Kristan: why u are blooding : (
[4:48] Blissful Spires: i made them do that hehe
[4:48] Roxanne Kristan: why
[4:48] Blissful Spires: just to show you
[4:48] Roxanne Kristan: thank u
[4:48] Roxanne Kristan: btw your voice is so sweer
[4:48] Blissful Spires: *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*You're Welcome!*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*
[4:49] Roxanne Kristan: sweet
[4:49] Roxanne Kristan: hahaha
[4:49] Blissful Spires: this is a sitting room
[4:50] Blissful Spires: and this is a theatre
[4:50] Roxanne Kristan: what is the function
[4:50] Blissful Spires: back here we have 2 skyboxes
[4:50] Roxanne Kristan: skyboxes?
[4:50] Blissful Spires: naughty ones haha
[4:50] Roxanne Kristan: what's that
[4:50] Blissful Spires: rooms for pleasure if you like to use them :P
[4:51] Roxanne Kristan: oh i see
[4:51] NHC LCD TV WALL - Q109 CS3: Please wait ... preparing Top Enter Playlist.
[4:52] NHC LCD TV WALL - Q109 CS3: Trying to play media: [TOP ENTER] - Dog Surprises Officer After Being Freed From A Fence
[4:52] NHC LCD TV WALL - Q109 CS3:
( Showing 10 of 24 Itens )
INDEX 01 - Nylon Young Hollywood Issue
INDEX 02 - Greyson Chance Returns to Ellen
INDEX 04 - Materazzi e Mourinho fuori dal Bernabeu
INDEX 05 - PUT SOME CLOTHES ON! Inappropriate Parents Ep. 1
INDEX 06 - LOST In 3 Minutes
INDEX 07 - Chrono Trigger: Short Action Scene
INDEX 08 - Crystal Bowersox `Up To The Mountain` 3rd song American Idol Top 2
INDEX 10 - Kendra's $ex Tape Troubles Continue All the way to the Bank

[4:52] NHC LCD TV WALL - Q109 CS3:
( Showing 20 of 24 Itens )
INDEX 11 - Pokemon: Gotta Buy 'Em All
INDEX 12 - Official Opening Party at the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest
INDEX 13 - Eclipse - Tv Spot `Starting`
INDEX 14 - Não Faz Sentido! - Modinhas
INDEX 15 - 100526 [MV] SNSD & 2PM :: CABI Song Ver.2
INDEX 17 - Serbia - Eurovision Song Contest 2010 Semi Final 1- BBC Three
INDEX 18 - SLIPKNOT: Press Conference on the death of Paul Gray
INDEX 19 - Lee Dewyze `Beautiful Day` 3rd song American Idol Top 2
INDEX 20 - Freeman's Mind: Episode 28 (Half-Life Machinima)

[4:52] NHC LCD TV WALL - Q109 CS3:
( Showing 24 of 24 Itens )
INDEX 21 - Uomini e donne - La scelta di Ramona - 2010 - PARTE 1
INDEX 22 - Moldova - Eurovision Song Contest 2010 Semi Final 1 - BBC Three
INDEX 23 - Greece - Eurovision Song Contest 2010 Semi Final 1 - BBC Three
INDEX 24 - Dog Surprises Officer After Being Freed From A Fence

[4:52] Roxanne Kristan: ok let's move on
[4:52] Roxanne Kristan: :)
[4:54] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[4:54] Connected
[4:54] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[4:54] Blissful Spires: this shows the hud and the functions
[4:54] Connected
[4:54] Blissful Spires: bottom is lycan
[4:54] Blissful Spires: top is vamp
[4:54] Roxanne Kristan: what is lycan
[4:55] Blissful Spires: much better to be a vamp
[4:55] Blissful Spires: a wolf of sorts
[4:55] Blissful Spires: they swipe
[4:55] Blissful Spires: more people liek being vamps
[4:55] Blissful Spires: and blood is gotten easier
[4:56] Welcome Mat: Welcome to the TLK KASTLE KLUB! make yourselves at home. Everything is here for your enjoyment, so TP in your friends and make your own party whenever you want!!
[4:57] Blissful Spires: this is a club area
[4:57] TLK KASTLE KLUB Supernova Sploder: Join the fun and win Lindens ...
[4:57] Blissful Spires: wear that
[4:58] Blissful Spires gave you ao lindinho :) :).
[4:58] ao lindinho :) :): 38% memory free (25146 Byte).
[4:58] ao lindinho :) :): Resetting...
[4:58] ao lindinho :) :): 39% memory free (25760 Byte).
[4:58] ao lindinho :) :): Loading notecard 'Default'...
[4:58] ao lindinho :) :): ON
[4:58] ao lindinho :) :): Stand AO On
[4:58] ao lindinho :) :): Sit override: On
[4:58] ao lindinho :) :): Sit anywhere: Off
[4:58] ao lindinho :) :): Typing override: On
[4:58] ao lindinho :) :): Typing killer: Off
[4:58] ao lindinho :) :): 12 animation entries found in Notecard.
[4:58] ao lindinho :) :): Finished reading notecard 'Default'.
[4:58] ao lindinho :) :): 36% memory free (24112 Byte).
[4:58] Blissful Spires: make sure the power looking buttin is green
[4:58] Roxanne Kristan: what's that?
[4:58] Blissful Spires: ther you are do you like that?
[4:58] Blissful Spires: its an ao
[4:58] Blissful Spires: makes you walk an stand better
[4:59] Roxanne Kristan: fentastic
[4:59] Roxanne Kristan: a*
[4:59] Blissful Spires: glad you liek it
[5:00] Blissful Spires: you can smoke on the bongs if yu click them haha
[5:00] Blissful Spires: ☢☣☠ℓαυgнѕ☠☣☢
[5:00] Roxanne Kristan: so cool
[5:00] Roxanne Kristan: hahaha
[5:00] Blissful Spires: you can dance on the pole as well
[5:01] Roxanne Kristan: what the smoke for , just smoke or other function for vamp's health
[5:01] Blissful Spires: just for fun hehe
[5:01] Roxanne Kristan: haha
[5:01] Roxanne Kristan: ok
[5:02] Roxanne Kristan: we can move on lol
[5:02] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[5:02] Connected
[5:02] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[5:02] Connected
[5:03] Blissful Spires: whoops downstairs
[5:03] Roxanne Kristan: ok lol
[5:03] Blissful Spires: i fell haha
[5:03] Roxanne Kristan: haha
[5:03] Roxanne Kristan: be careful
[5:03] Roxanne Kristan: secret room
[5:04] Blissful Spires: yes
[5:04] Blissful Spires: there are a few
[5:04] Roxanne Kristan: cool
[5:04] Roxanne Kristan: for what
[5:04] Blissful Spires: just fun castle secret passages
[5:04] Roxanne Kristan: hiding from war?
[5:04] Blissful Spires: makes it mroe interesting
[5:04] Roxanne Kristan: cool
[5:05] Blissful Spires: lava room
[5:05] Blissful Spires: ☢☣☠ℓαυgнѕ☠☣☢
[5:05] Tinkerbelle Greymoon is Offline
[5:05] Roxanne Kristan: for drinking?
[5:05] Blissful Spires: just show
[5:06] Blissful Spires: we use tanks and dolls for drinking grins
[5:07] Roxanne Kristan: so it is
[5:07] Roxanne Kristan: to show ?
[5:07] Roxanne Kristan: a little terrible
[5:07] Roxanne Kristan: lol
[5:07] Blissful Spires: just a neat thing for show
[5:07] Blissful Spires: hehe
[5:07] Blissful Spires: soem like it
[5:07] Roxanne Kristan: ok
[5:08] Roxanne Kristan: great
[5:08] Blissful Spires: waterfall room
[5:08] Roxanne Kristan: ok
[5:09] Roxanne Kristan: wait
[5:10] Blissful Spires: you will ahve to come forawrd and open wall i cant from outside haha
[5:10] georgedoorsneuk Tiaret is Online
[5:10] Roxanne Kristan: ohoh
[5:10] Blissful Spires: Hello my Master
[5:10] Roxanne Kristan: i am locked here
[5:10] Blissful Spires: hello iulia
[5:11] Blissful Spires: just click the wall at the end
[5:11] Blissful Spires: ☢☣☠ℓαυgнѕ☠☣☢
[5:11] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[5:11] Connected
[5:11] Blissful Spires: fly up
[5:11] DarkMatter Steamer: clan
[5:11] iulia Pearl: search for?
[5:11] iulia Pearl: i did
[5:11] DarkMatter Steamer: set liege
[5:11] DarkMatter Steamer: near by
[5:11] DarkMatter Steamer: and me
[5:11] Blissful Spires: ok
[5:11] Blissful Spires: lets go playland
[5:12] DarkMatter Steamer: ok
[5:12] DarkMatter Steamer: thank you
[5:12] Blissful Spires: we have events there sometimes
[5:13] Blissful Spires: i think this was to be a wedding
[5:14] Roxanne Kristan: ok
[5:14] Roxanne Kristan: btw
[5:14] Roxanne Kristan: will vampire family fight like movie shows lol
[5:15] Blissful Spires: yeah
[5:15] Blissful Spires: well we have wars
[5:15] Roxanne Kristan: how does it happen
[5:15] Blissful Spires: they require hud
[5:15] Blissful Spires: and you to be in army
[5:15] Blissful Spires: come
[5:15] Roxanne Kristan: ok
[5:16] Blissful Spires: this is an arena
[5:18] kavin Bravitz is Offline
[5:19] Roxanne Kristan: is war happen very often now?
[5:19] ao lindinho :) :): 38% memory free (25146 Byte).
[5:19] Blissful Spires: im not sure about the army part i dotn play init
[5:20] Roxanne Kristan: so we have soldiers?
[5:20] Blissful Spires: im sure someone else within clan could tell you sometime
[5:20] Blissful Spires: yes
[5:20] Roxanne Kristan: ok
[5:20] Roxanne Kristan: let's go
[5:20] Roxanne Kristan: what's that
[5:21] Blissful Spires: that is the war area to practiuce
[5:21] Blissful Spires: behind the red you are fiar game haha
[5:21] Roxanne Kristan: haha
[5:21] Roxanne Kristan: ok
[5:22] Arena: Blissful Spires is at the door.
[5:22] Blissful Spires: this is just another arena
[5:22] Roxanne Kristan: yuck
[5:22] Blissful Spires: ☢☣☠ℓαυgнѕ☠☣☢
[5:23] Blissful Spires: this is the playland
[5:23] Roxanne Kristan: what is the most popular one
[5:24] Blissful Spires: ferris wheel, cannonball, flgith sim
[5:24] Blissful Spires: the blood slide
[5:24] Blissful Spires: its very neat follow me
[5:25] Roxanne Kristan: why u like to stress neat? lol
[5:25] Roxanne Kristan: will it be dirty?
[5:25] Blissful Spires: grins
[5:25] Blissful Spires: ok
[5:25] Blissful Spires: we will race
[5:25] Blissful Spires: let me explain
[5:25] Roxanne Kristan: yes
[5:26] Blissful Spires: you right click the bar and choose slide down
[5:26] Blissful Spires: you use the arrows to steer
[5:26] Roxanne Kristan: yes
[5:26] Roxanne Kristan: ok
[5:26] Blissful Spires: on your keyboard
[5:26] Roxanne Kristan: ok
[5:26] Blissful Spires: ready?
[5:26] Roxanne Kristan: ready
[5:27] Blissful Spires: 3
[5:27] Blissful Spires: 2
[5:27] Blissful Spires: 1
[5:27] Blissful Spires: go
[5:27] Blood Slide Bar whispers: Welcome to the Water Slide. Use Arrow Keys to Slide Down
[5:27] Blood Slide Bar whispers: Welcome to the Water Slide. Use Arrow Keys to Slide Down
[5:28] Blissful Spires: ☢☣☠ℓαυgнѕ☠☣☢
[5:28] Roxanne Kristan: i take off my hair .......
[5:28] Blissful Spires: ☢☣☠ℓαυgнѕ☠☣☢
[5:28] Roxanne Kristan: press the wrong one
[5:29] Blissful Spires: oh ut oh
[5:29] Blissful Spires: yu know how to get it back?
[5:29] Roxanne Kristan: yes
[5:29] Roxanne Kristan: haha
[5:29] Blissful Spires: ok
[5:29] Roxanne Kristan: i have done it many times
[5:29] Blissful Spires: making sure :P
[5:30] Blissful Spires: click the floor in there
[5:30] Roxanne Kristan: what am i doing
[5:30] Blissful Spires: slying haha
[5:30] Blissful Spires: flying*
[5:30] Roxanne Kristan: hahaha
[5:30] Roxanne Kristan: interesting
[5:30] Blissful Spires: yeah some fun stuff
[5:31] Blissful Spires: think clan club left
[5:31] Blissful Spires: let me tp
[5:31] Roxanne Kristan: ok